Perpetual Virtue Never Been Told - Part 2
He has many worldly experiences in his life and has seen many kinds of people from every class. Being a Dream in Dream kindergarten student, he realized that “merit” makes people different. What merit makes a normal person be a president, a prime minister, and some become ministers or less powerful leaders, respectively? If one wishes to be a leader like this in every life, what can he do?
Training Ourselves to Do More and More Acts of Goodness
Cloning has become a very popular issue. Scientists have been successful in cloning microbes, plants, and animals. But I am considering cloning of good habits, behaviors, and manners of good people.
Applying knowledge Skillfully
“When we plant a mango tree to satisfy our appetite or getting rich depends on the fruit the tree will give
Avoiding hell: court promised more confessions
Chinese Farmer Breeds Divine-Looking Pear
Associate With The Wise.
In general, we think that one who graduated school and earned a degree was wise. Actually, he/she is just only a graduate, but not truly wise.
Feng Shui
Karma that happens in this life is the effect from actions that we did in previous life. One of the Norway ladies was sent out to a foster home since she was 3 months old and had no chance to be close with her mom. She had to move along with her dad for 12 times until she was used to separation and lack of warmness from people of close relationship. What retribution caused her life to be like this? And, why can her daughter sense which house is livable or no?
If due to our work we have to be with the fools who like to lead us to do bad things, ex. drinking alcohol, what shall we do?
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Artfulness in Usage (1)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Third Group of Blessings. Blessing Nine :- Artfulness in Usage
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